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The Meadow (Chesham)
Saturday, January 1st, 2022 k/o 13:00
Southern League Premier South
Attendance: 627


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Stayed with friends near to Beaconsfield for New year and with Tranmere''s game at Salford falling victim to covid stayed down South and took in the nearest game. Nearly changed my mind and went elsewhere when twitter said they only had an online programme for the game but was told on arrival they would be printing some retrospectively, happy days. A few drizzly showers persisted during a game in which the visitors started the brighter side having one shot acrobatically hooked off the line after the initial shot was saved by the keeper. The hosts took the lead from the penalty shot after a slow run to the by-line invited a clumsy tackle(i thought this was the first goal of 2022 with the 1pm kick off Thompson-Brissett, but it looks like Arsenal beat them to it) and the lead was doubled before the break as from the same part of the byline a pull back was rifled into the net from an angled shot back in the same direction the cross had came from(Kouassi). HT 2-0. That by-line saw a lot of action as the visitors pulled one back after a player was allowed to run in at a tight angle and fire a shot through the keeper who had stayed routed to his near post(Amartey). To be fair i had thought they should have had a penalty at the start of the half when a slow low cross evaded several players and looked certain to be poked home from six yards only for the striker to have his standing foot kicked away from him but the linesman who was wearing glasses didn''t see the contact. Looking at the table the game was 4th v 3rd but Hayes had about five games in hand, it was probably the right result based on possession in the opponents half with both sides looking capable of scoring more goals.
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