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Moss Rose
Saturday, January 27th, 2018
National League
Attendance: 1,510

Comments :
It was supposed to rain but it didn't. Three trains from Whitchurch (via Crewe and Stoke) all on time. A swift (and very tasty) pint in the warm (but very tatty and run-down) Railway View before on to the ground. It's a scruffy old pace and really ratty compared to other National League grounds visited so far but the match was good - entertaining, combative and some good skills. Macclesfield should have walked it and Torquay (bottom of the league) were expected to roll over but they didn't. In the end a scrappy bundled goal got then level just after an amazing one-handed save from their goalie kept it to 1-0. By the time I left my knees were frozen and the 1.5 miles walk back to the station was really tough. Then 3 more trains back to Whitchurch where I was met by Suey. We picked up an Indian take-away on the way home and ate it in front of a roaring log fire. Another good day or adventure.

  John Askey

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It was supposed to rain but it didn't. Three trains from Whitchurch (via Crewe and Stoke) all on time. A swift (and very tasty) pint in the warm (but very tatty and run-down) Railway View before on to the ground. It's a scruffy old pace and really ratty compared to other National League grounds visited so far but the match was good - entertaining, combative and some good skills. Macclesfield should have walked it and Torquay (bottom of the league) were expected to roll over but they didn't. In the end a scrappy bundled goal got then level just after an amazing one-handed save from their goalie kept it to 1-0. By the time I left my knees were frozen and the 1.5 miles walk back to the station was really tough. Then 3 more trains back to Whitchurch where I was met by Suey. We picked up an Indian take-away on the way home and ate it in front of a roaring log fire. Another good day or adventure.
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