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Deva Stadium
Tuesday, October 24th, 2017 k/o 19:45
National League
Attendance: 1,538


DT92 Members at this game: (you can click here to load your profile picture)
Louis Massingham Rowell
Unbelievable game and well worth the money to see it. Left uni campus at about 18:50 and walked to the ground and got their at about 19:15. Went in shop and got programme and then walked around to the stand opposite the main stand to sit in there this time. The stand itself is in Wales so I therefore went and watched the game from Wales. First 5 mins of the game both sides seemed to be just lumping it long and playing the long ball tactic but after the 1st 5, Chester started to dominate the game and play some nice football throughout the 1st half. In about 10 mins Chester took the lead through their new striker who looked a threat all match. Ball was threaded down the channel and was tucked in the bottom corner. Chester continued to dominate after that and Barrow looked awful when they did have control of the ball. They doubled their lead on 25 mins through the former Norwich youngster Hall Johnson who strike from the edge of the penalty area was a good finish. Chester then had majority of possession from then on with Barrow creating few if any chances until the board went up for injury time and Barrow managed to get 2 goals in the space of a minute to make it 2-2 for HT. Second half was a fairly even affair with both sides having chances until the final 10 mins when Chester started to pile on the pressure and look to get the win. There were a number of scraps at consecutive corners before eventually one of them landed at the edge of the box for the Chester midfielder to bang it in the back of the net. Was a great end to a brilliant game with players and staff running down to the terrace to my left to celebrate with the fans. The win takes Chester out of the relegation zone and puts Barrow into it. Left the ground at about 21:50 ish and got back to my room at 22:15.
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