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Deva Stadium
Wednesday, August 22nd, 2012
Conference North


Comments :
Walked through town earlier, climbed onto the town walls, went to see the famous clock. Did a bit of shopping at Primark and got a used Ugly Betty Season 1. Had the usual stuff plus a pineapple fritter at a nearby chipper and sat on the pavement. There was a statue of a bull before the stadium. Bought a fanzine before the game, very good read.

DT92 Members at this game: (you can click here to load your profile picture)
Walked through town earlier, climbed onto the town walls, went to see the famous clock. Did a bit of shopping at Primark and got a used Ugly Betty Season 1. Had the usual stuff plus a pineapple fritter at a nearby chipper and sat on the pavement. There was a statue of a bull before the stadium. Bought a fanzine before the game, very good read.
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