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Cardiff City Stadium
Sunday, November 29th, 2009
Attendance: 19,463
Whittingham (35)
Walters (73), Stead (85)
John (12), Delaney (77), Garvan (82)

DT92 Count: 87

View complete set Dave Jones
View complete set Roy Keane

DT92 Members at this game: (you can click here to load your profile picture)
gashead eric
Bob Tricker From Ipswich.
Mini Bantam
This was a brilliant way to complete the 92 for the first ever time. Eight of us (Hibs, Lee, Steve, Joe, Loz, Ed and Chris) went down on the train from London after leaving in the van for Gants Hill at 6am!! The journey down there was quite uneventful we just had a few beers and a laugh about other trips etc. After turning down an invite from a rather large Cardiff fan we decided to head to a pub in the Town that had the worst ever Sky reception and some dodgy beer! Normally when you go abroad its possible to watch a lot of English premiership games but not in Wales apparently. The stadium looks ok from the outside but is quite a let down once you get inside and appears largely unfisished. Like Colchester it is finished off with breeze block and looks of poor quality. The fiorst half was very poor and we went one nil down. Just as it appeared the normal rut had set in we started to play really well and Walters scored from just inside the area later followed by a smart turn and finish from Stead to seal a great result. The journey home was quality as Steve decided to buy some adult material and then had a young girl as to sit next to him. This lead to loads of embrassing moments as he tried to hide his purchases. Luckly we were all on hand to remind him what he had brought. Eventually Joe asked her to pass it to him, when he came back from the toilet which was brilliant. Overal looking back over the 92 it has lead to some quality days out and some real good games have been watched. The best moments must be Town in the Premier league and getting a new ground in every other week. Beating Leeds and Liverpool away will always be remembered as will the smaller FA Cup trips to Morecombe, Dagenham and Chester just because not mnay Town fans went to these small stadiums. Previously I found it hard to understand lower league supporters travelling all over the Country but now having watched a few I can understand the community atmosphere at many of the clubs. Going to places like Rochdale and Accrington where most people know each other and have a good laugh in the terraces and bars, makes it a social occasion and not just a football match. Hopefully a few clubs will change between the Conference and League 2 to allow some of these trips still to take place. Its a shame that in the modern era that most clubs have flat pack similar stadiums as I really enjoyed the old fashion Burden Park, Victoria Grounds of this country and any one doing the 92 from now will visit many the same.
Quite possibily one of the best awaydays in a long time, right up there with Southend and Chelsea. Drove down to Stratford early on Sunday morning and met the lads on the tube then headed to Paddington where we boarded the 09.30 to Cardiff. Beers on the train etc and an offer from a Cardiff fan which we declined ! Weatherspoons just outside Cardiff central was the watering hole of choice and then taxis to the stadium. One goal down at half time but two late goals ensured we went away with all three points ! Great result to complete the 92. Walked back to station after game and purchased some " reading " material form the journey back to London. The next three hours can only be discribed as eventful and amusing ! Tube from Paddington back to stratford and jumped off at Oxford Circus to finish the day with a coule more beers and a K.F.C. Great day lads, really enjoyed it.
Garyth Davis
No regrets - This game was originally scheduled to take place the day before on the Saturday but typical useless Engligh FA put it back 24 hrs to accommodate for some egg chasers, which screwed my chances of going to the Emirates to see Gooners play Chelsea (could have got two new grounds in one weekend to complete the top two divisions) but heh Ipswich before, well everyone else!! To cap it all the poxy National Express decided recently to change the engineering works schedule from Stow to London, which sodded up our plans completely, meaning Pagey and Ghout kindly volunteered to drive from Stow to London, so we could get to Paddington in time to get the train from Cardiff. Got back from the works Christmas do at 0045, knowing I had to get up at 0445 to jump in the car, so I got to Pagey's by 0530, then via Ipswich and Colchester to pick up Ed (saved his life @ Watford away), Joe the Mo Fairs and Looking for a job Loz. Jokingly mentioned to everyone that I'd never see them again, due to Ghouter's now renowned shocking driving skills but having changed cars at Witham, within literally ten seconds, yes TEN SECONDS, a red light had already been missed, thank god it was 0715 in the morning otherwise, I may not be here writing this soon to be essay!! But heh we got to Gants Hill (just) with probably 10 miles left of fuel in Bomber's car (nicely organised - again). Liability Barnard got on the tube at Stratford & to complete the party of eight Chris, I love my too big for me blue suit Nicholls, met us at Paddington. Trip to Cardiff went very quickly, mainly down to Fairs bringing a load of wifebeater with him, which went down well for us all, bar Nicholls but the hair 'n' the dog soon kicked in and he was fine!! We obviously made it too obvious that we were going to the game, as some unit Cardiff fan invited us all to some random pub to drink with him and some of his "mates" - Seemed a nice chap but not one you'd wanna get on the wrong side of, so we all decided not to meet him and the "soul crew" after the game - Wise decision I think lads!! Peeing down with rain in 3rd world country, so off to the nearest boozer to watch the Scouse derby & consume some random Tuborg (awful shout by Fairs) so back to "what is probably the best lager in the world", Carlsberg. Off to the ground with no expectation at all, I'd take a 3 nil loss I'm thinking, considering Cardiff are doing well this season and well, we're not. Pagey & Farmyard complete the 92 which is quality - Me one day!! 1st half was shit, down 1 nil to a great Whittingham strike, busy Stewards kept wanting us to sit down, even though we the last row with nobody behind us, so went after 42 mins to get the half time beers thinking things can't get much worse and then we draw Blackpool away in the FA Cup - For f*@k sake, been there, done that, bought the crazy hats (Miller would say been there, shagged that 50 year old from Burnley, wish I'd bought the condom). So I think we all thought sod it lets go back upstairs for the 2nd half and get right behind the boys and, if I could find one that fitted by big head, I'd take my hat off to all eight of us, plus one of Ed's mates and some random two lads who joined us on the back row (that sounds gay - for the record, we did not make out on the back row), so now all eleven of us.... We did not shut up, Lee Lee Lee Barrett (had replaced the injured Richard Wright), Keano's Barmy Army, non stop for pretty much the whole 2nd half!!!!!! Boys responded, Walters... BANG, what a strike, I end up on top of Loz in the row in front (sounds gay, again) and then with five mins to go Steady hit a speculative shot, slight deflection and it's there, UNBELIEVABLE, 5 mins to hang on, which seemed to go slower than the previous 85 but ref blew the whistle and we'd got our 1st away win of the season, 2nd in total!! Now the journey on the way home has got to be up there as the best, most funniest three hours of my life. Barnard for some reason suggested that the kitty purchases an Escort (mag, not actual person, which would have been funny - Maybe in the future, maybe a midget with a uni hat for easy beer resting purposes) for some entertainment on the way home. Unfortunately the train was pretty full so we did not have the best seating arrangements until, Charlotte the blonde bombshell came and sat down right next to Barnard. Now after a few beers, it was obvious what was going to happen but not to this extent.... Nicholls stupidly fell asleep, so it had to be done, I placed the mag, opened up to show off some birds clunge for all to see right in front of him - Excellent use of Steve's mobile to get a classic photo, which was immediately put onto facebook. Then.... everyone kept teasing Steve to show us the mag, to embarass him in front of this mighty fine stranger sitting next to him but of course he would not. So just needed to wait for the perfect opportunity, Steve went for a slash so mag was placed perfectly on his seat for all to see, looked like a twat when he came back. But then he went to get a round a bit later, so Joe unbeliveably asked Charlotte whether she'd mind looking through the mag, when Steve returned and credit to the girl, she did, Steve's face on his return was an absolute picture!! Without her knowing I was peering through the gap between the seats to see her texting her boyfriend about our antics and included in her text was that she could not believe that she was still sitting next to this perv, which of course was Steve Frederick Barnard - Good lad!! The last part of the journey really dragged but it was all worth it in the end to get the result none of us could have dreamed of. Kipped round Pageys after being awake for 19 and a half hours and thank god I ain't gotta go to work tomorrow. Got to be up there as one of the best away days in nearly nineteen years of going to football!!
fiona rawlings
Bob Tricker Itfc 1878
George 44.
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