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DW Stadium
Saturday, April 5th, 2008
Attendance: 17,926
Taylor 15, 55

DT92 Count: 72

View complete set Steve Bruce
View complete set Alex McLeish

DT92 Members at this game: (you can click here to load your profile picture)
Captain Blue
Wigan away and a day at the football and then a night out in Blackpool for the lads. The lads had been looking forward to this one for about three months so much so that Fletch got literally two hors sleep the night before as he couldn''t wait for this one. In the morning the Fletch, Ricky, Help, Cash & Warren got the train in the morning and met up with Jimmy, Rich & Joe in town. A macces breakfast and on the train to Wigan the lads went. The train was packed so there was no playing cards, a couple of the lads had a can or two the rest waited to arrive. On arrival the lads found a cosy pub with the football on and watched the F.A.Cup semi final between West Brom and Portsmouth while having a few beers and a few games of cards !!   The lads set off to the game just after about 2:15 and soon arrived at the ground. Craig, who was only coming for the match not the weekend due to a tooth injury met them along with Dougie and Murphy who sorted a ticket out for Dougie.   The lads went in the ground and the game soon began, the game was awful, im not going to right to much about it !! Steve Bruce now in charge of Wigan lead his side to victory, there had been many public arguements between Bruce and the blues board lately but Bruce did answer the Birmingham fans chants off ''Brucey, give us a waive, Brucey, Brucey give us a waive'' with a waive to the 4500 travelling supporters !! Wigan took the lead early on, Damien Johnson then being the idiot he is got himself sent off for a needless foul, Wigan went 2-0 up after the break and then Fletch, Ricky, Help & Big Eck decided enough was enough and walked out on the hour mark to leave for Blackpool !! Warren, Jimmy and Joe met up as the train stopped and changed at Preston !!   The lads soon arrived in Blackpool, Big eck, Joe & Warren checked in while the other lads went cahoots !!   The lads where soon re-united and on the drink !! They popped in a local strip club, big eck, warren and help having dances the other lads declined, the lads then went to Yates''s where they spent most the night, Ricky was on the pull all nite, Warren for a rare change was hammered and the other lads just enjoyed the night with a few drinks !! Big eck brilliantly let himself behind the bar and gave the bar staff a damn good telling off for no-one serving at the end we where waiting at. The manager in turn told big eck off but it worked and someone was soon serving big eck and the lads. Fletch & Joe where first to depart, smashed and in bed by 12, Big eck headed home on a promise but his phone let him down, Warren, Jimmy and Help hit the strip club again where Warren declared ''I''VE GOT £12,000!!!!'' and Ricky as per usual went missing !!   Fletch & Joe where first up in the morning and wandered exactly where all the lads where and what had happend, after some investigatin they found out the lads had been in some girls in the hotel room and nocked over a table but did get a flash of boobs, they had spent loads in the strip club and Help had been sick in the sink !! Ricky had returned back about 6am to sleep on the landing then think a room was his and wake a innocent couple up before eventually finding his room, at least the lads where safe and well !!   The lads departed the B & B and went for breakfast, Ricky entertained them all by chucking a load of change on the counter and getting the waiter to count out his breakfast fee then calling yates as he was after his coat he had lost the night before and as the barman would not look for his coat bringing out the famous quote off ''WHATS YOUR NAME??''    Ricky a born entertainer amused the group further when he found out his coat was not in yates so took the biggest and warmest one and said it was his then jump in the gangster statues in the arcade for a photo shoot !! A great weekend all round ended with Fletch winning loads of money at pool and cards !!
Dan Millard BCFC
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