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Home Park
Wednesday, September 21st, 1966 k/o 19:30
Inter League
Attendance: 35,458

Comments :
World Cup paraded before the game as FL fielded six of the England team that beat W Germany at Wembley just a few weeks earlier ( Moore, J Charlton, Cohen, Wilson, Peters & Hurst). Byrne of West Ham scored four and Connolly and Hurst two each
DT92 Count: 3

DT92 Members at this game: (you can click here to load your profile picture)
Moretongary Dartmoor
World Cup paraded before the game as FL fielded six of the England team that beat W Germany at Wembley just a few weeks earlier ( Moore, J Charlton, Cohen, Wilson, Peters & Hurst). Byrne of West Ham scored four and Connolly and Hurst two each
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